Monday, April 23, 2012
Walter W. Law, 1: From Rugs to Riches
Walter Law had the Midas touch. Indeed everything he touched turned to gold. With so much land available for cultivation in Briarcliff Manor, it was inevitable he would turn to the raising of flowers. Erecting steam-heated greenhouses that eventually covered 75,000 square feet, he undertook the growing of American Beauty roses and other flowers on raised beds for the florist trade.
Incorporating a Village
Many communities in Westchester
owe their existence to a quirk of geography--a protected harbor on the Hudson River , a former aboriginal campsite or the
junction of two major stagecoach roads.
The village of Briarcliff Manor
owes its existence to one wealthy patron: Walter W. Law.
Law, the father of Briarcliff
Manor, was born in 1837 in the English town of Kidderminster . In the 19th century, the name Kidderminster and carpets were synonymous. Its carpet weaving
began as a cottage industry, but the introduction of steam power paved
the way for the huge carpet mills that would make Kidderminster a center of
carpet manufacture in Britain .
One of ten children of a dealer in
carpets and dry goods, Walter William Law left school and began working at the
age of 14. In 1859, he decided to immigrate to the United States .
The New
World Beckons
Leaving England
with a few letters of introduction from his father to friends in the American
carpet trade and with enough money to last him only about two weeks, Walter Law
arrived in New York
on January 22, 1860. It was a Sunday, and the passengers could not clear
customs until the next day.
Talk of abolition of slavery and secession was
in the air. “With another passenger or two,” he later recalled, “we went over
to Brooklyn , and heard Henry Ward Beecher
preach, and it was the first and only time I heard him.”
Young Walter Law landed a job as a
traveling carpet salesman. It lasted until he discovered his employer
was misrepresenting domestic rugs as imported and charging premium prices for
them. His next employer folded when the Civil War caused a general business
A call on William Sloane, head of the
firm of W. & J. Sloane, resulted in his being hired, more out of kindness
than need. Sloane, his new employer, had started his working life as an
apprentice weaver in Edinburgh .
In 1834, after his employer failed to reward him for inventing a new method of
weaving tapestry rugs, Sloane had immigrated to New York .
With his brother John, they
established a carpet business as W. & J. Sloane. Their little store on
Broadway across from City Hall prospered. William Sloane’s sons took over the
business from their father on his death in 1879. Seven years earlier, one son,
28-year-old William Douglas Sloane, had married Emily Thorn Vanderbilt,
Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt’s 20-year-old granddaughter.
According to newspaper reports,
the groom “got $15,000,000 by the performance. Mr. Sloane himself is worth many
millions in his own right.” Seventy years later, her granddaughter, Alice
Frances Hammond, would marry jazz musician Benny Goodman.
In 1882, the Sloane store moved uptown
to an ornate six-story building on the southeast corner of 19th Street and
Broadway, where the firm sold carpeting, oriental rugs, lace curtains and
upholstery fabric, later expanding to furniture. Fittingly, the Sloane building
today again houses a carpet store, ABC Carpet. Across Broadway from W. & J.
Sloane was the massive Arnold Constable dry goods establishment.
Opposite Sloane’s on 19th Street was the
eight-story retail building housing the Gorham Manufacturing Company, famous
for its silverware and metal work. A block north, at the southwest corner of
Broadway and 20th Street ,
was the Lord & Taylor dry goods store.
The neighborhood of fashionable
dry goods stores and other landmark buildings lies roughly between 14th and
27th streets and 5th and 7th avenues. Called the “Ladies’ Mile Historic
District,” its 440 memorable buildings are now preserved and protected.
Young Walter Law increased the
business of Sloane’s wholesale department by securing the account of the
Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company in Yonkers for the manufacture of moquette
These tufted, high-pile carpets produced
on power looms invented by Halcyon Skinner quickly displaced the popular
flat-weave, reversible carpets. They also undercut pricier hand-knotted
The giant Alexander Smith carpet
mills in Yonkers
along Nepperhan Avenue
were named the Moquette Mills. Their architecturally important workers’ row
housing was built in stepped fashion on the hill adjacent to the factory.
A Move to Westchester
Law and his wife, Georgiana Ransom Law, moved to Yonkers , making it easier
for him to service the Smith account. Here they raised their two sons and four
In 1890, health problems forced
Walter Law at age 53 to take early retirement from the Sloane firm.
Tuberculosis was given as the cause. Unhappy with the prospect of inactivity, he
sought a new venue for his talents and ambition, and turned his attention to northern
Westchester .
Then as now, the benefits of fresh
air and outdoor living were recognized as important weapons in fighting
infectious diseases like tuberculosis. The newly-retired executive found the
236-acre farm of James Stallman between Old Briarcliff Road and Pleasantville Road for
He snapped it up in 1890 for
$35,000. The Stallman farmhouse, originally used by Walter Law as an office, later
became the rectory of St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church.
When he bought the Stallman property,
it was already named Briarcliff Farm. The term Briarcliff came from “Brier
Cliff,” a name applied by the Rev. John David Ogilby, professor of
ecclesiastical history at the General Theological Seminary in New
York City , to his Westchester
summer estate.
Once when traveling in England , Dr. Ogilby had come upon the parish
church at Bremerton , near Salisbury . Desiring to improve property he
owned near Ossining, he donated the land to the community and retained
architect Richard Upjohn to design a church inspired by the church Ogilby had
seen in Britain .
Upjohn was the architect of many churches in New York City ,
the best known of which is Trinity
Church at the head of
Wall Street.
Construction of All Saints Church in
Briarcliff Manor began in 1848, but Dr. Ogilby died in 1851, well before its
completion in 1854. The original structure, illustrated in the Rev. Robert
Bolton’s 1855 History of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the County of
Westchester, was a simple rectangular building with a steep, gabled roof and
a small, open, wood belfry.
Swiftly adding additional acreage,
Law made some 40 purchases in the next ten years. By the turn of the century he
owned more than 5,000 acres in Westchester .
Walter Law was acutely aware of
the connection between milk and the spread of infectious diseases like
tuberculosis. His Briarcliff Farms would specialize in the production of
certified milk from tuberculin-tested Jersey
cows. Other farm animals included chickens, pigs, sheep, pheasants and even a
few peacocks.
At its height, Briarcliff Farms
boasted some 300 workers. Law’s Briarcliff Dairy processed 3,000 to 4,000
quarts of milk each day, as well as quantities of cream and butter, shipped to New York by an early
morning milk train on the Putnam Division.
Briarcliff Farms had its own farm
store in the Windsor Arcade at Fifth
Avenue and 46th Street in the city. Later, Law
opened another store at 2061
Seventh Avenue near 125th Street . This uptown location was
intended to tap the burgeoning new fashionable neighborhood of aristocratic
apartment houses and popular single-family brownstones springing up in Harlem , linked to downtown by elevated and subway lines.

Walter Law had the Midas touch. Indeed everything he touched turned to gold. With so much land available for cultivation in Briarcliff Manor, it was inevitable he would turn to the raising of flowers. Erecting steam-heated greenhouses that eventually covered 75,000 square feet, he undertook the growing of American Beauty roses and other flowers on raised beds for the florist trade.
A greenhouse foreman discovered
and propagated the pink Briarcliff Rose, an improvement over the existing
strain. It was registered with the American Rose Society and became extremely
popular. Flower sales eventually reached $100,000 a year.
It was an easy next step from
certified milk to pure water. Law’s Briarcliff Table Water Company’s wells
tapped aquifers 250 feet deep, and it offered bottled water in individual bottles
and large jugs complete with office-style dispensers. The water was available
in Briarcliff Farms stores in New York City and
at food markets throughout Westchester and as far away as Lakewood , N.J.
Incorporating a Village
As Walter Law’s “empire” grew, the need for municipal
services became obvious. He proposed incorporation. One problem: The village would
lay in two towns, Ossining and Mount Pleasant, a permissible spread under law,
and in two school districts—a requirement of state law. He got signatures from
25 freeholders on a petition requesting approval for the proposed
On September 2, 1902, the
supervisors of the two towns met with the freeholders to discuss the details of
the incorporation. An election followed ten days later. Everyone who voted was
indebted to Walter Law, either for a house or livelihood or both. The result
was resoundingly favorable.
Legend has it Briarcliff
Manor owes the “Manor” in its name to a remark made by Law’s friend,
industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who called him “the Laird (lord) of Briarcliff
The incorporated village of Briarcliff Manor
officially came into existence on November 21, 1902, with William DeNyse
Nichols as president. (This title for the heads of incorporated villages was
later changed to mayor.) Successive mayors who were long-serving members of the
Law family included Walter Law’s son, Walter W. Law, Jr., who served from 1905
to 1918, and Henry H. Law, who served from 1918 to 1936. The hamlet of Scarborough was annexed to Briarcliff Manor in 1906.
From the beginning, an unusual
system was employed for selecting candidates for the village’s public offices.
The system, now formalized by law as the “People’s Caucus,” allows any eligible
citizen over 18 years of age to seek nomination for office. Effectively keeping national politics and
national party names out of the system, candidates chosen by the caucus are
almost guaranteed election.